Team 1 : 0
Team 2 : 0
Sat AM
Sat Evening
Sun AM
Sun PM
What was the main topic of Russel M. Ballard Talk? What was the main topic of Russel M. Ballard Talk? What was the main topic of Russel M. Ballard Talk?

Joseph Smith's Story

The Book of Mormon

Sacrifice and Forgiveness

Team 1
Team1 Wins!
Welcome to conference questionare!
  • Split into two teams
  • The first team will click on the dice in the middle of the screen
  • The game will pop-up a question
    • Do your best to answer the question
    • If you get it correct you will get 100 points
    • If you get it wrong you get nothing and the question is added back into the queue
    • If you don't answer the question within 45 seconds you get it wrong
  • The next team will click on the dice and another question will pop-up
  • The game will end when all the questions have been answered correctly and the winner will be announced
Click here to close the instructions.